
Damasco Steel


Contamos con los materiales que tu proyecto necesita

Since last ten years, we have been exceeding our goals step by step in the stainless steel industry. Over the years, love to our work helped us to carve out a path of success. Today, we remain proud of its past but is focused on its future.

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La Historia

Acerca de

¡Entregando soluciones de ingeniería!

Nuestra fábrica de acero fue fundada en 1974 por el veterano de la industria siderúrgica John junto con sus hijos Tim y Bob. Era una pequeña empresa familiar que prestaba servicios a toda el área metropolitana de Detroit. La principal estrategia fue valorar a los clientes y satisfacer sus necesidades. Producían únicamente barras de acero laminadas en frío.

La Historia

Acerca de

Proceso de automatización.

Con el tiempo, vieron la necesidad de la automatización y esta idea los llevó a Japón, donde se convencieron de que la mejor manera de avanzar era comprar un tren de laminación completo de última generación en uno de los países técnicamente más avanzados del mundo.

The Story

About Us

A New Opportunity.

The company continued with incremental improvements on the basis of using only the best technology in the manufacture of section steel bars, plates and tubes, that met and even exceeded standards set by the local government. It opened a new opportunity for Steel Factory.

The Story

About Us

New Manufacturing Level.

The company opened 10 constituent companies over the whole country. Steel Factory became an integrated steel producer with major production operations in North America and Center Europe. We were producing 30 million tons a year and every day the volume of output increased.

The Story

About Us

Focused on Future.

Today, our Steel Factory remains proud of its past but is focused on its future. As a leader in the increasingly competitive global steel industry, our corporation is dedicated to delivering high-quality products to our customers and building value for all of our stakeholders.

What we do

Our Range